The ,,Roumen Tsanev” Institute of Molecular Biology at BAS, Rice University (USA) and Institut Curie (France) are the organisers of the fifth international conference “Structure and Function of the Genome” which takes place from June 5 to 8, 2023 in Sofia.  The conference is attended by more than 170 participants – both world-renowned scientists from the USA and Europe as well as many young researchers from around the world. The previous two scientific meetings in this series were held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA).

In recent years, there has been a tremendous interest in understanding genome architecture and its role in the functioning of the organism in normal and pathological conditions. This has been made possible by the advent of technologies that provide unprecedented information on the spatial organization of genomes, their variations between cell types and species, and their dynamics over time. In turn, this has led to a flowering of theories combining concepts from molecular biophysics, polymer science and machine learning to create quantitatively accurate frameworks for comparing hypothetical mechanisms with experimental observations.

The conference in Sofia brought together molecular biologists, physicists and mathematicians, pioneers in their scientific fields, to discuss the latest advances in the study of genome structure and function at the molecular level. The aim is to develop a common plan of cooperation and action between the different scientific fields in order to tackle major societal challenges such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.