Връзки с обществеността2025-02-07T11:16:45+02:00Friday, 7 February 2025|Comments Off on Bulgarian scientists develop antibacterial surfaces for repairing damaged bone tissue
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Връзки с обществеността2025-02-07T10:04:27+02:00Thursday, 6 February 2025|Comments Off on The Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Acad. Asaf Hajiyev visits BAS
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Връзки с обществеността2025-02-07T10:01:36+02:00Thursday, 6 February 2025|Comments Off on Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ina Aneva introduces the students from the 4th Primary School “Prof. John Atanasoff” with moments from the work of scientists
Връзки с обществеността2025-01-31T11:44:46+02:00Thursday, 30 January 2025|Comments Off on “The pogrom in Bosilegrad 15-16 May 1917” at the National Assembly
The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is the oldest institution in modern Bulgaria.
The Academy performs scientific work in accordance with the universal human values, national traditions and interests. It participates in the development of world science and helps to multiply the spiritual and material values of the nation.