BAS celebrated 155 years since its foundation

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences celebrated on 12 October 155 years since its establishment with a solemn assembly and concert which took place in the building of the Sofia Opera and Ballet. The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, greeted the scientists and guests at the celebration. In his speech, he recalled that BAS is the leading scientific centre in Bulgaria where world-class research is conducted. "With its academic staff representing about 15% of the country's scientific potential, BAS creates almost 40% of the national scientific product. Scientists at BAS carry out 40% of the projects under the European Union Framework Programmes and are now also involved in the recovery programmes, and the regional academic centres bring [...]

2024-10-17T12:59:43+03:00Sunday, 13 October 2024|Categories: General news, Selected|

Grand Prize for Science of BAS for Academician Vassya Bankova

The "Grand Prize for Science of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences" was awarded for the first time on 12 October at the ceremony celebrating the 155th anniversary of BAS. The Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members of BAS awards Acad. Vassya Bankova with the "Grand Prize for Science of BAS" for 2024, said the President of the Academy Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of BAS. The BAS Prize will be awarded annually in one of the following three fields - natural, mathematical and engineering sciences, life sciences, and social sciences and humanities. This year the award is given in the field of natural, mathematical and engineering sciences. Six world-renowned scientists participated in this competition, announced the Chairman of the Award Committee, Acad. Christo Tsvetanov and presented [...]

2024-10-15T10:19:01+03:00Sunday, 13 October 2024|Categories: Selected|

International scientific organizations participate in the celebrations of BAS

Representatives of international academies and partner organisations participate in the celebration of 155 years of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences which is marked today. Scientists from 15 world scientific organisations and from the European Academies Scientific Advisory Council (EASAC) are in Sofia for the celebration. They took part in a meeting with the Academy's leadership,which was held at BAS and delivered greetings on the occasion of the anniversary. International cooperation is one of the priorities for the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, said President Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of BAS. He greeted the guests and presented the history and activities of the Academy in various scientific fields. Currently, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences carries out 40 percent of the country's scientific production, the President said and [...]

2024-10-14T10:26:21+03:00Saturday, 12 October 2024|Categories: Selected|

BAS celebrates 155 years

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences will celebrate 155 years since its establishment with a solemn assembly and concert at the Sofia Opera and Ballet. The celebration will take place on 12 October at 18:00 (entrance by invitation). Invited to attend the celebration are representatives of the Council of Ministers, the National Assembly, diplomatic corps, local authorities, academia, foreign academies, international partner organizations, etc. For the first time, the "BAS Grand Prize for Science" will be awarded. The competition for the prize is organized by the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members of BAS (AACM). The "Grand Prize for Science" is awarded to a scientist from a Bulgarian scientific organization or HEI for outstanding achievements in science that have received high international recognition. The President of [...]

2024-10-10T16:50:17+03:00Thursday, 10 October 2024|Categories: Selected|

Newly elected corresponding members of BAS

The Assembly of Academicians of BAS has elected the following new Corresponding Members: Mathematical Sciences: Corresponding member Ludmil Katzarkov (born 1961) He is currently one of the brightest and most respected representatives of Bulgarian mathematics at home and abroad with wide scientific interests. His scientific achievements are in several fields of mathematics and mathematical physics - algebraic, differential and symplectic geometry and topology, string theory, mathematical biology. His rich mathematical background allows him to use approaches and techniques from different mathematical fields to attack classical problems in mathematics that have stood open for a long time. Corr. Memb. Katzarkov has been one of the main driving forces behind the establishment of the International Center for Mathematical Sciences at IMI which occupies a unique place in [...]

2024-10-04T13:14:08+03:00Saturday, 28 September 2024|Categories: AACM, Selected|

Newly elected academicians of BAS

Elections for new members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (academicians and corresponding members) are held from 24 to 28 September. The Assembly of Academicians has elected the following new academicians of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences:       Mathematical Sciences: Academician Stefan Petrov Ivanov (born 1957) His scientific interests are in the field of geometry and mathematical physics. He is an internationally recognized and established specialist in Riemannian and complex differential geometry, string theories, quaternion geometry, etc., with some of his strongest results in string theories and geometry. Acad. Stefan Ivanov has made an indisputable contribution to the development of the Bulgarian school of modern differential geometry and geometry of manifolds. He works at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University [...]

2024-09-26T12:58:24+03:00Wednesday, 25 September 2024|Categories: AACM, Selected|
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