Another successful expedition of palaeontologists from NMNHS-BAS
The seventh palaeontological expedition of the National Museum of Natural History at BAS to the locality of dinosaurs and other vertebrate fauna of Late Cretaceous epoch near the town of Tran took place from 2 to 10 August 2024. The team led by Assoc. Prof. Latinka Hristova included Asst. Vladimir Nikolov and Ralitsa Bogdanova from NMNHS-BAS, Prof. Marlena Yaneva and Assoc. Prof. Lubomir Metodiev from the "Strashimir Dimitrov" Geological Institute of BAS as well as volunteers Gergana Velyanova from the Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography of BAS and Georgi Sevov. As a result of the activities carried out by the team, more than 30 new vertebrate fossils were collected which not only enrich the palaeontological scientific collection of the NMNHS-BAS but will also allow palaeontologists [...]