The Dictionary of New Words in the Bulgarian Language (from the First Two Decades of the 21st Century) has been published (Sofia, Nauka i Izkustvo Publishing House, 2021). The dictionary is the work of a team of authors from the Institute of Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin”.

It is the third part of a series of lexicographical reference books published since 2001, documenting the latest additions to the Bulgarian lexicon. It presents both words that have entered from other languages at the beginning of the new century (such as emoji, vlogger, blockchain) and neologisms formed on Bulgarian soil (such as blogoroman, e-identity). Also included are semantically updated words (such as cloud), new compound names and terminological combinations (such as secure school, digital inequality, circular economy, molecular cuisine) and new phraseologies (such as the perfect storm). The dictionary will be useful for all those who need information on the meaning and use of the most current vocabulary and phraseology in the Bulgarian language.