Research division

Man and Society

Modern spheres of research in social sciences are: economics, law, psychology, demography, sociology, philosophy, science studies.

Science-based options for the economic and social development of Bulgarian society, covering policies aimed at overcoming the demographic crisis, crime, the crisis in values ​​and the development of the personal potential for lifelong learning and improving the quality of life are developed. Policies contributing to a smarter and greener sustainable social market economy and a democratic society where prosperity is the result of innovation and better use of the country’s resources are of particular importance.

The ways to full social and economic integration of Bulgaria in the EU and to improving the country’s management and strengthening the legal principles, norms and culture of behavior in contemporary Bulgarian society in accordance with the best European practices are identified.

The development of identity and value systems in the Bulgarian society which take into account civilization transformations and cultural uniqueness, morality, religions, the creation and use of new knowledge, are studied.