Bulgarian Encyclopaedia Scientific Information Centre

Bulgarian Encyclopaedia Scientific Information Centre is a unique centre, the only one in the country which is specialized in preparation of encyclopaedias. The editions of Bulgarian Encyclopaedia are at a high academic level: their authors, consultants and contributors are prominent Bulgarian scientists in all fields of knowledge. The editing and compilation work is done by experienced scientific encyclopedic editors which guarantees the high professional level of the editions

The Bulgarian Encyclopedia SC aims and successfully carries out the enlightenment mission of BAS: to present Bulgarian science in popular form to the public.

Main activities
  • Compiles and prepares for publishing general one-volume and multi-volume encyclopaedias;
  • Compiles and prepares for publishing specialized encyclopedias;
  • Compiles and prepares for publishing encyclopaedic reference books;
  • Compiles and prepares for publishing CD and online encyclopaedias;
  • Develops and offers concepts for new editions;
  • Develops methodological guidelines and technologies for editorial work;
  • Prepares the glossaries of the articles and the illustrations of the editions;
  • Carries out editorial and compilation work (ordering the writing of articles by authors, editing authors’ articles, compiling articles, typesetting and editing of illustrative material) while creating a single manuscript and bears responsibility for the scientific shedding of light on problems and the encyclopaedic layout of the editions;
  • Prepares and provides up-to-date information about Bulgaria for foreign encyclopaedias;
  • Provides methodological assistance in the preparation of encyclopaedic reference books from other institutes of BAS;
  • Prepares and maintains an information page for Bulgaria on the Internet.

Professionally prepared, the encyclopaedias of SC Bulgarian Encyclopaedia have won the trust of a large number of readers and the acknowledged recognition of the cultural community which confirms their utility for the society and the national significance of the activity of SC Bulgarian Encyclopedia.

Educational activity

The SCBE team continues to actively work on Project BG05M2OP001-2.002-0001, Student Practices “- Phase 1, funded under the Science and Education for Smart Growth 2014-2020 OP through the European Social Fund of the European Union in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science and leading higher education institutions in the country.
