The Ambassador of Iraq on a visit to BAS

The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to Bulgaria H.E. Mrs. Lina Omar. Prof. Revalski introduced Mrs. Omar with the structure and activities of the Academy. The two sides discussed the development of scientific cooperation between BAS and similar scientific organizations in the Republic of Iraq as well as opportunities for training in the educational and scientific degree "Doctor of Philosophy" at the institutes of the Academy. The meeting was attended by Dr. Haider Alburiahi, Counsellor at the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq, and Ms. Olympia Ali, Assistant to the Ambassador.

2024-10-17T14:01:07+03:00Tuesday, 15 October 2024|Categories: General news|

Visit of the President of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, Prof. Luis Velazquez Perez, to BAS

The President of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, Prof. Lius Velazquez-Perez, visited the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in the period 9-13 October 2024. At a meeting with the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, they discussed the opportunities for cooperation between the two Academies and the conclusion of a Memorandum of Cooperation which would be signed in Havana, Cuba. The document will establish a framework for future interaction between BAS and the Cuban Academy of Sciences in areas of common interest. Prof. Velazquez is a specialist in the field of neurophysiology. He visited the Institute of Neurobiology (INB) and the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) of BAS. Directors Assoc. Prof. Katerina Stambolieva and Assoc. Prof. Anastas Gospodinov briefed him on the [...]

2024-10-21T10:58:14+03:00Monday, 14 October 2024|Categories: General news|

BAS celebrated 155 years since its foundation

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences celebrated on 12 October 155 years since its establishment with a solemn assembly and concert which took place in the building of the Sofia Opera and Ballet. The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, greeted the scientists and guests at the celebration. In his speech, he recalled that BAS is the leading scientific centre in Bulgaria where world-class research is conducted. "With its academic staff representing about 15% of the country's scientific potential, BAS creates almost 40% of the national scientific product. Scientists at BAS carry out 40% of the projects under the European Union Framework Programmes and are now also involved in the recovery programmes, and the regional academic centres bring [...]

2024-10-17T12:59:43+03:00Sunday, 13 October 2024|Categories: General news, Selected|

BAS awards the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa to the Italian nuclear physicist Prof. Dr. Giacomo de Angelis

  The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has awarded the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa to the Italian nuclear physicist Prof. Dr. Giacomo de Angelis at an official ceremony at the Academy today. The title is awarded by the Governing Council of BAS for the outstanding services of Prof. Dr. Giacomo de Angelis to the development of nuclear physics in Bulgaria. The award was presented by the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, in the presence of H.E. Giuseppina Zarra, Ambassador of Italy, representatives of the academic community and guests. Prof. Giacomo de Angelis works at the National Laboratory in Legnaro of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics and is one of the most eminent European and world nuclear physicists [...]

2024-10-14T10:25:07+03:00Friday, 11 October 2024|Categories: General news|

Prof. Dimitar Sasselov with a diploma for an Associate Member of AACM

The President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy, awarded today a diploma for associate member of the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members to Prof. Dimitar Sasselov. Prof. Sasselov is among the most distinguished scientists in the field of astrophysics, said Prof. Revalski and recalled the decision of the AACM to award a special status to Bulgarian researchers working abroad. Bulgarian scientists or artists who work and live permanently outside Bulgaria are elected associate members of the Assembly of Academicians and Corresponding Members of BAS. Prof. Sasselov presented his latest scientific discovery related to the origin of life on Earth with the presentation "Origin of mirror symmetry in the molecules of life". His research interests include the atmospheres and interiors of stars [...]

2024-10-11T10:18:18+03:00Thursday, 10 October 2024|Categories: General news|

The Beijing publishing house World Affairs Press publishes the monograph “The Rose of the Balkans. History of Bulgaria” by Academician Ivan Ilchev

The book is published on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the People's Republic of China. The book has been translated at the request of the Beijing Foreign Studies University which trains Bulgarian-speaking specialists for China. Especially in this edition, Acad. Ilchev added materials on the history of the development of Bulgarian-Chinese diplomatic, political and economic relations. More than 60 years have passed since the last Chinese translation of the history of Bulgaria, which was written in the not-so-distant 1963 and was the work of academicians D. Kossev, Ch. Christow and D. Angelov. With the monograph, Ivan Ilchev continues his attempts to present Bulgarian history to foreign readers but not with direct translations, as is usually [...]

2024-10-03T16:10:19+03:00Thursday, 3 October 2024|Categories: General news|
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