The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is a leader among scientific organizations in the country according to the 2020 report of the permanent expert Commission for Monitoring and Evaluation of Research Activities in Higher Education Institutions and Scientific Organizations, adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Brief excerpts from the report:

Scientific organizations and higher education institutions with overall evaluation score /in points/:

  1. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – 6922.545
  2. Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – 3311.993
  3. Medical University – Sofia – 2845.711
  4. Medical University – Plovdiv – 963.580
  5. Technical University – Sofia – 930.553

In the criterion “Scientific results and their scientific impact”, BAS again takes first place in the ranking:

  1. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – 10680.348
  2. Medical University – Sofia – 5239.381
  3. Sofia University – St. Kliment Ohridski – 4871.352
  4. Technical University – Sofia – 1463.480
  5. Medical University – Plovdiv – 1414.326

According to the results for the criterion “Scientific capacity and reproduction of academic potential”, the strong presence of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is noted which has great potential for further development of the training of students and PhD students.

The results for the criterion “Societal and economic impact” again highlight the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as a clear leader:

  1. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 5279.486
  2. Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” 1585.270
  3. Agricultural Academy 892.224
  4. “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse 715.284
  5. “Prof. Asen Zlatarov” University – Burgas 703.040

According to the efficiency of scientific organizations the leading ones in Bulgarian science are without a doubt the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the Medical University – Sofia. These are the scientific organizations that give the image of Bulgarian science, the report states.

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences also retains its leading role in patent activity:

  1. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – 178
  2. Bulgarian Agricultural Academy – 43
  3. Trakia University – 26
  4. Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – 25

The evaluation of the results of the research activities of higher education institutions (HEIs) and scientific organizations (SOs) in Bulgaria for 2020 is carried out in accordance with the Regulations for Monitoring and Evaluation of Research Activities Carried out by Higher Education Institutions and Scientific Organizations and the Activities of the Bulgarian National Science Fund (the Regulations), according to which the evaluation is carried out only at higher education institutions and scientific organizations with accredited doctoral programs.

The report of the Commission for Monitoring and Evaluation of Research Activities of Higher Education Institutions and Scientific Organizations for 2020 can be found HERE.