Logic specialists at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” will celebrate together for the second time the World Logic Day on 14 January.  On this date, a joint session will be held of:

  • Seminar of Algebra and Logic of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of BAS,
  • Seminar of Mathematical Logic of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University,
  • Seminar on Logic of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of BAS,
  • the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Language Technologies at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of BAS.

The initiatives are included in the official programme of the Fourth World Logic Day and will take place online via the Zoom platform. The programme can be viewed here: https://wld.cipsh.international/wld2022.html

On 13 November 2019, UNESCO declared 14 January as World Logic Day and included it in its calendar of UNESCO International Days. This year, World Logic Day will be held for the fourth time. The event is extremely popular. Last year it was celebrated with 82 scientific forums in 40 countries, and this year 50 countries have registered to participate.

На 13 ноември 2019 г. ЮНЕСКО обяви 14 януари за Световен ден на логиката и го включи в своя календар на Международните дни на ЮНЕСКО. През тази година Световният ден на логиката ще се проведе за четвърти пореден път. Събитието се ползва с изключителна популярност. През миналата година то е отбелязано с 82 научни форума в 40 страни, а през тази година участие са заявили 50 страни.