The programme to mark the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development started with scientific lectures and presentations on topical issues. Prof. Ivan Lalov from the Union of Bulgarian Physicists presented in the auditorium of SU “St. Kliment Ohridski” the main highlights of the programme.

Scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences participated in the event. Corr. Mem. Kostadin Ganev presented the National Scientific Programme (NSP) “Environmental Protection and Reduction of the Risk of Adverse Events and Natural Disasters”. Prof. Venko Beshkov gave a lecture on “Chemistry for Ecologically Sustainable Development” and Acad. Vesselin Drensky spoke about the benefits of pure mathematics. The topic with which Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Vladimirov from the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research participated was “Taxonomic studies on biodiversity and their contribution to sustainable development”.