An exhibition of images of cosmic objects taken with the new 1.5-m telescope at the National Astronomical Observatory (NAO) Rozhen was opened at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The telescope operates in semi-automatic mode and can be controlled remotely, said the director of the Institute of Astronomy with NAO Prof. Evgeni Semkov. He introduced the author of the photographs – astronomer Sen. Asst. Prof. Milen Minev, PhD.

The exposition includes photographs of the planet Jupiter and of stars, nebulae, galaxies, star clusters and formations of interstellar gas and dust such as the famous “Pillars of Creation” in the Eagle Nebula of the Serpens constellation.

The telescope is the first large-scale scientific infrastructure which was built entirely with Bulgarian funding, said the President of BAS Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of the Academy. The funds invested in the project amounted to BGN 3.5 million.

“The New Telescope” documentary film was premiered at “Prof. Marin Drinov” Hall of BAS, with authors the journalist Dimitar Sotirov and the cameraman Valentin Paskalev.

The exhibition can be viewed in the Central Foyer of BAS until 16 October.
