“Animated Heritage” Annual Awards of the Institute of Art Studies – BAS for 2024

The film director and screenwriter Prof. Georgi Djulgerov and artist Alzek Misheff are the winners of the awards The Institute of Art Studies at BAS presented its annual Animated Heritage Awards for a special contribution to the creative interpretation of the traditions and values of Bulgarian and world cultural heritage in a contemporary work of art. In the Screen Arts category, Prof. Georgi Djulgerov, film director and screenwriter, on the occasion of his 80th anniversary, and in the "Fine Arts" category the artist Alzek Misheff for his overall work were distinguished. The official award ceremony was preceded by a public presentation of the latest publications and achievements of the Institute's scientists. Attendees had the opportunity to see the contents of the impressive number of 13 [...]

The oldest academic publishing house in the world publishes a book by a BAS scientist

The book by Moutafov E. S. The Chora Monastery of Constantinople. Cambridge University Press; 2024, ISBN: 9781108931137, 90 pp. is now available in electronic version. The monograph by Prof. Emmanuel Moutafov of the Institute of Art Studies - BAS is the fourth in The Elements of the History of Constantinople of the Cambridge University Press series. It was written at an invitation of 2018 by the series editor, Prof. Peter Frankopan of Oxford University (Silk Roads: A New History of the World, 2015; New Silk Roads: Future and Present of the World, 2018). The leading British historian invited Prof. Moutafov to write the book on this Constantinople monument because of his previous publications on the monastery. Other invitees included, for example, Prof. Albrecht Berger of [...]

Over 100 scholars gathered at the International Conference of the Institute for Art Studies of BAS “Art Studies Readings”

The traditional international conference of the Institute for Art Studies of BAS "Art Studies Readings" was held in two modules - from 20 to 22 April the scholars from the "Old Art" module presented their research, and from 27 to 29 April - from the "New Art". The event was supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund and the Ministry of Education and Science. The theme of the conference this year is "Metamorphoses". The event was held under the sign of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Art Studies (IAS). Prof. Joanna Spassova-Dikova, PhD, Director of the Institute, emphasized in her welcoming speech, with which she opened the conference, that the Institute's scientists have been studying cultural heritage and caring for [...]

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